Saturday, January 27, 2007

ask lucy, she was raised like a boy

that was what one of the techs said about me the other day when our delivery man asked her about a part on his car (he is mexican and was unsure of the english word). at first i was a little miffed about this comment, but i don't think i should have been. and i know she didn't mean to offend me.

there are worse things that being raised like a boy, and it's not like i can't do girl things either. i also get teased because i bake cookies and cakes. i was asked why i liked it, because i suppose it's not normal. that's why i like izzy from grey's anatomy so much because she bakes to cheer up her friends and herself. i don't think many girls quilt and change brake pads in the same day, but i think it is useful to know both skills and i'm glad that i do. it just makes me a more well rounded and interesting person.

here is a picture to entice my parents to come and see me.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

i don't know how to teach, i'm a professor

i am a bad sister. i didn't call rachel on skype today to wish her a happy birthday. i didn't even send her an e-card with some silly message. i had to work this morning and by the time i got home, it was 11 pm in germany. sorry ra, i was thinking about you today, and how much older you are than me, hee hee. i mean how much wiser.

i decided that since my last project was completed, i needed a new project. i finally got some of my pictures developed, so that seemed like a good thing to do. i love to organize! the problem is that i didn't want to scrapbook them, i just wanted to put them in a photo album. and i only have two. both of which were full (or almost completely)
so i thought that i would consolidate the photos and get rid of the ones that didn't come out: too blurry or dark or flash in the middle of it. but then as i looked through the ones from high school, it made me sad, because i couldn't remember some of their names, but i knew i was friends with them at the time. and then i thought about if i was in some of their throw away pictures and they couldn't remember me. but then i looked through some more, and i saw perfectly good pictures of my sister and her friends, ruined by some jerk who's name i didn't know. and my sadness was replaced quickly replaced by annoyance. and guilt because i don't keep in touch with people that i should. but i let myself off the hook a little since my friends don't call or e-mail either, so i am only partly to blame.

i watched the end of futurama today, and i must say that i was a little disappointed. i wondered if the writers knew it was the last show, or else fox just didn't pick it up for another season. i confess that i wanted leela to end up with zap, but that's not how they left it. i'll just imagine my own ending like when i watch gone with the wind.

and speaking of the weather, it's snowing again here. the idiots are in a panic, again, so work was busy today. most people were very patient and understanding and i only had one jerk to deal with during the day which i think is my all time best. my mamsis would say that 'you need to be more sympathetic because people are sick and they are just trying to feel better' but i was very nice today and patient with (most of) the customers.

josh took me out to dinner, and who do you suppose was sitting across from us? that's right, a guy eating alone. josh made fun of me because i feel sorry for people that eat alone (but not sorry enough to invite them over). i guess it's because i'm not brave enough to eat by myself, although this guy looked pretty happy, so i did my best not to think about him. but now i'm thinking that maybe i should have been more friendly even though he probably would have mistaken it for creepiness. i'm not going out again.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

oh, you mean X-mas. you must be using and archaic pronunciation, like when you say ask instead of aks

last thursday, josh and i braved blizzard #2 (blizzard #1 can be seen in a previous post) to travel to indiana. we got to DIA and were suprised to see that our flight was still on schedule, but were told to watch the monitor and listen to the announcements. we finally got on the plane and had to wait for it to be de-iced before we could take off. i was rather impressed that we took off at all considering how much snow we got. mamsis and trink were kind enough to pick us up at 1:30 am and even get us (eggnog for me) shakes!

on friday i met my nephew Ellis and was overwhelmed at his cuteness even josh enjoyed playing with him. then we had our pictures taken. there were 130 pictures taken of eli; josh and me: 6. he makes for a cuter model i suppose. i spent the rest of the day playing with babies and wrapping prezzies for mamsis. ellis tried to help, but he just sat on the bed. babies are NOT very good helpers

saturday was Christmas! i got loads of prezzies. but it was much more fun to see everyone else open theirs. i am finally and adult, sigh. but here is a mini showcase.

i got dinosaur rain boots for silas and mamsis found a matching rain slicker. everytime silas wanted to go outside, he would grab his boots and ask someone to help him put them on. then it was outside for some puddle jumping
paddington for eli
mallow gun for dad

and cross stich for mamsis

ellis and silas were very excited for christmas, and i think the excitement took its toll on the lads; they both had to take naps before the end of the morning.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

the nutcracker, sweet

i have been very busy and very lazy lately, but since bridget hasn't posted recently either, i don't feel so bad. josh's parents braved the blizzard to come out and see us for christmas. they arrived on friday (dec 22) in time for us to go to the nutcracker ballet, which was part of his mom's present. josh got lost on the way there, even though i had asked him to find directions before we left, but we made it to dinner, and although it was very rushed, i had a delicious venison roast with dried cherry sauce. the ballet was fun, and we had good seats.
josh took his parents to the celestial tea factory and Hammond's candies on saturday and then we opened prezzies when i got home from work. it was a lot of fun being able to entertain and cook for more than two people and use all the serving dishes. hopefully i have more guests soon.