Tuesday, July 31, 2007

a pin from every state

i couldn't let july have only 2 posts, thst's pathetic. i've been trying to get a pin from every state/country that i've visited for my world map. i have quite a few already, but i've been asking people i know if they could send me one. i've even traded scotch-a-roos to a friend of josh's for a georgia pin. unfortunately. the USPS can't seem to find his house and they were returned yesterday. this really annoyed me, and now i am afraid to open the box. what if they are moldy? and i think i should get a refund on my postage since the address was correct. and now i'm out postage AND cookies. how rude!
but if those of you that read this blog would like to send me a pin, i would love it. i'm missing CA, TX, AL, TN, KY, WV, OH, PA, NJ, and SC

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Mix these mixed nuts, I see two almonds touching

i've been on a blogging hiatus, if you haven't been able to tell. i was home for a while, then worked for a straight week. and i've been working on something for a reader, so unfortunately i can't post pictures because it wouldn't be a suprise. and i got an ipod early for my birthday, so i've been adding songs to it. and i've been busy with social obligations.
yes, contrary to mamsis' beliefs, i DO have friends. i went to lunch last friday, then i saw HP 5. i love those movies because i get to play 'what else was that british actor in?" i've been watching 'all creatures great and small' lately and haven't see HP since then. when i saw HP 5 i realized that Fudge is Sigfreud!
i went bowling saturday night, although i was terrible. out of 12 people, i got the lowest score. it was pretty sad.
last night i had dinner then saw ratatouille with some work friends and josh. at dinner i had a vanilla-strawberry mojita. it was delicious. i really liked the movie, and was especially excited that gusteau was on the cover of cuisine at home, in addition to bon appetit and gourmet.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

hold on to your asses!

i'll post about my weekend home soon, i promise. but first, last night's events. mom and dad and i went over to 'logan' to see my in-laws and their fireworks display. (imagine five grown men running loose in a firework tent with little female supervision) i did get to meet baby ben, who is josh's cousin's son. he has a full head of hair and bright blue eyes and seems like a pretty even tempered baby. and i got to shove my face with lime-berry trifle, rice krispie treats, and pound cake with strawberries. i guess i skipped dinner and went straight for dessert.
finally is was dark enough to light some real fireworks, and at this time all the bottle rockets and smoke bombs had been lit. josh told me to sit in the back row because the front row would get fired upon first. they'd set a firework on a board, one person would lite it, then all four would run like hell away from it. this was sometimes more entertaining that the light show, since they were silhouetted against the fireworks. and there were screams like "jesus christ, josh" or the title of the post, or simply "run!" i was complaining to mom that there was too much time in between each firework, and she said that it was too dangerous to set them off too close together. what a mom thing to say!