Thursday, September 27, 2007

death to the vcr

i tried to tape the season premier of 'avatar' on friday since i wasn't going to be here. i even had to get out the manual to figure out how to set the timer. i was more than disappointed to find that it didn't work. the stupid vcr taped some weird show that i had never even heard of (which is surprising given how much tv i watch). i may just have to give in and buy a tivo, although i hear those have some recording problems as well.

Friday, September 07, 2007

ever fire two guns whilst jumping through the air?

i finally saw hot fuzz, and i thought it was hilarious.
sorry for the absence, i went home for a while for the honey harvest and to see rachel and eli. i used the book trink got me last year to try to make liquid soap. it seemed to work pretty well, although i think we messed up two steps. we also watched 'flight of the chonchords' and 'extras' both of which are very funny.