Saturday, November 24, 2007

my subconscious is working on it

about a month ago, catherine and i were trying to find a book that she had when she was little. we couldn't remember what it was called, just what the cover looked like and the plot. there's no database we could find that would let you search by plot. (well there is one, but it's not helpful at all). somehow, i remembered what it was called and i felt very proud of myself.
today, we were trying to remember the title of a book about a monster that moves to a new neighborhood, but none of her neighbors will come and visit her. we searched monster, neighbors, and anything else we could think of that would be key words. finally i told catherine that i'd call her when i remembered it. and about 15 minutes later, i remembered three of the four title words. it's nice to know that your brain works on recovering that information even when you are thinking about something completely different or nothing at all. so good job brain! does anyone else (besides catherine) know what the title is?

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Hunger pains will go away on happy turkey day

i spent most of the afternoon baking and cooking our thanksgiving feast. we had the usual fare: turkey with a honey bbq glaze, stuffing, mashed potatoes, brussel sprouts, and cinnamon rolls. we were going to have cranberry sauce, but i forgot it in the fridge, like always. i'll just have some with my turkey sandwich tonight. we haven't had our pie yet, but we'll have that as soon as there's room in our tummies. everything was really good, and since i made a schedule everything was done at the same time. josh helped with most of it, but commented that the rolls needed more cinnamon sugar. next year he can make them. hopefully everyone had a nice holiday with good food and good company.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

finally, a post!

i do realize that it's been a looooong time since i've posted, but i do have a good reason. i've been feeling sick and sleepy all day every day for almost two months now, and suprisingly neither of these things made me want to post. as you may have guessed, i'm pregnant! i'm due on june 5th, which is also eli's birthday so mom might be lucky and have two grandkids with the same birthday. we're also planning on moving back to indiana after the baby is born so most of the family won't have to travel so far to see us.