Wednesday, May 28, 2008

the grandparents cometh

bill and deb (josh's parents) flew in last night to see vaughn. this freed us up to take naps, do some laundry, and get the dog ready for her trip to indiana. but since now i am allowed to just post pictures, here they are (and even a long awaited mommy and baby pic):

snugling with mom

doing yoga

getting a diaper change from dad

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

home again, home again

we came home to our messy apartment last night and tried to get everything situated for the baby. we were just changing him on the beds, and it was working pretty well until 1:30 this morning when he shot pee all over the comforter. that lead to the construction of a changing table out of two plastic totes and two blankets. it looks pretty good, and works even better. it's higher than a counter, so it's easier to change him without bending over. the dog isn't quite sure what to make of him. she's been growling when she hears people outside on the stairs, and is quick to check on him when he cries. we went to the pediatrician this morning; he did not like his exam, but is just as he should be. he's sleeping better too, and even has a snuggle buddy.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

announcing baby Vaughn Charles!

my water broke last night about midnight. i decided to try to go back to sleep, but woke up about every half an hour with contractions. at 7 we started timing them, then called the doctor at 8.
unfortunately, since we weren't expecting him so soon, we didn't have any bags packed. so that delayed us getting to the hospital a little, but we arrived around 9:15 and in three hours he was born. he weighed 7lb 6 oz, 19 3/4 inches long and has a full head of hair.

Monday, May 19, 2008

what i've been working on the last six months

it's only taken six months to finish it, but here it is, susan's rug sqaure:

in other news, i went to the doctor last friday. weight gain is good, blood pressure perfect, strep negative, and the baby's dropped a little. but i don't think he'll be here soon.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

another day of incubation

i went to the doctor last week and things are moving right along. my doctor is out of town for the next two weeks, so i have to hold him in until then (doctor's orders). i seem to be hungry all the time now, and standing all day at work is getting harder too. but josh takes care of the dog and does the dishes and brings me chocolate and other food that i want, so it's not all bad. i go to the doctor again on friday, so i'll try to post updates.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

everyone likes sugar and fat

today after my doctor's appointment i decided that i wanted pie. so i made a sugar cream pie. josh had never had it before so i gave him a slice when he got home from work. after finishing the first piece, he imitated silas and eli and said 'mo? but a bigger piece this time?' i guess it was a hit.

Monday, May 05, 2008

One month to go!

today is the eight month mark. only thirty days left if he comes on his due date (7% chance of happening).

Saturday, May 03, 2008

april showers (part two)

two weeks ago, my work pals threw a baby shower for me. we played 'guess the nursery rhyme' and baby gift bingo, and which melted candy bar is in the diaper (i scored perfectly on this one). some of the guests would smell the diapers which was really funny to see. we had chocolate cake with whipped cream icing and little rattle shaped candies.

after the party, josh and i packed up the dog and drove to lusk, wyoming on the way to mount rushmore. we had an easy drive up there, and got there early sunday morning. it wasn't crowded, so we did get some pictures with just us and the giant heads. the heads seemed small from the ground, but not when you remember that they are 60 feet tall. the brochure that they gave us told us all about the workers (no deaths during construction), the construction (it took 14 years), and why each of the presidents were chosen. washington represents the birth of the nation, jefferson represents expansion, roosevelt represents development, and lincoln represents preservation.