Tuesday, June 10, 2008

mother (and baby) care package

yesterday when i picked up the mail, there was a package from my thoughtful sister catherine!
she had sent me all my favorite things. frappuccinos (since i couldn't have them when i was pregnant), milkduds for when josh and i went to the movies, mags to read when i had the time, indy jones 1 and 3 (the good ones), a big bag of mars mini candy bars, and jungle onsies for vaughn. he was very excited and may even put on a fashion show later. thanks for all the goodies, trink!
mom left on sunday morning, and although we all miss her, i think we've been managing alright without her. vaughn missing her singing, i miss her company, and josh missing her cooking and cleaning (now he has to do both). today we packed three whole boxes! it's slow going, especially since one of us is usually holding vaughn, but i think we should be done by moving day.

Friday, June 06, 2008

vaughn's first bath

we decided that vaughn needed a bath today, so we got some soft towels and washed him in the kitchen sink. we filmed the event, but he cried the whole time, so we thought it best not to post it. but here's a picture of josh combing his hair afterward. in addition to the bath he had a very busy day. we went to get his birth certificate, and out to his very first restaurant. he even went on his first shopping trip to the mall. we took this picture outside the health department building. there are also pictures of me, josh, and vaughn, but we are getting them developed now, so i'll probably post them tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

belly button premonition

yesteday morning when josh woke up, he said "i had a dream that vaughn's umbilical cord was bleeding." then when we changed his diaper, it fell off! mom also told us that she had a similar dream. not me, i don't know what i dreamt. but here is the new button:
we went to a lactation class yesterday, although i think i was the only person that actually needed any help. the other women just weighed their babies, nursed them, weighed them again, then left. i thought it would be more like a class and they would teach us different nursing positions and give us tips and other information to make nursing easier. the nurse that was helping me was quite annoying, but at least i did get some free stuff out of it.

after that we went to the spice shop and got some chai mix, tomato powder, and onyx cocoa powder to make 'black-out cake,' along with some other spices that make the apartment smell like the spice islands. mom is only here for two more days, and i will really miss her when she's gone. josh and i have been very spoiled by her. not only is she a nanny and house keeper, she is also a part-time photographer.
for more baby pictures (i know that's why most of you check this blog now), please visit the web album. (link on top right)

Sunday, June 01, 2008

new nanny, new pics

mamsis flew in on friday, and we all went to the airport to pick her up. she instantly fell in love with vaughn. since her arrival, she's been cleaning, cooking, and making sure vaughn is taken care of.
mom and vaughn

thinking baby (for catherine)