Thursday, April 09, 2009

one of these things is not like the other

aunt emily came for a visit last weekend and while she was here, she took a walk around the farm to see the animals. she helped feed the cows and gather eggs, and saw our very pregnant goats. we were hoping that they would kid before she had to leave, but they waited until the day after she left. josh called me at work to tell me that kiora had 3 kids, but only one survived. when i got home at 10:30, i saw that rosalie had also had 3 kids. this year we've decided to quarentine the kids at night and re-unite them after morning milking. luckily the singleton is the only male, so it's easier to match them up with their moms. can you tell which one is different?

Friday, April 03, 2009

let me show you why they call me the velour fog

vaughn has been making all kinds of developments. the other day he mananged to slide down off our bed and open the door to find us after his nap. today josh saw that vaughn has also been doing this to his crib:
and when i got home from work, he was doing this: