Monday, June 28, 2010

mason cole

mason was born on thursday afternoon, only a day overdue. i must admit that i thought he would never come, considering vaughn was so early. even though he was a day late, he made up for lost time by being born, cord cut, and dried off before the doctor came in the room. i felt bad for the nurse, apparently she'd never had a woman go from 7 to 10cm in only 15 minutes. and she was the one who told me i could start pushing. it was pretty amazing to see how quickly five more nurses came into the room after they realized the baby was ready to be born.
he weighed 8 lbs. 2 oz, and is 21 inches long. and had several visitors over the two days we were in the hospital. we were at the new st. e, which was pretty nice. they let you stay in the same room from check-in until check-out, so you can unpack and not worry about changing rooms in a few hours.
so far vaughn seems to really like his brother. each time he'd come into the room, he'd ask, "where mason be?" he wants to hold him most of the time, and is pretty gentle when he's touching him, plus he got to spend several days being spoiled by josh's parents. this is the second night we've all been in the house together, and so far so good. although i think vaughn is starting to realize that mommy has to spend more time with little brother and less time with him. luckily mom is next door and more than willing to play with vaughn or hold mason for me, so i can spend some time with vaughn. vaughn has been regressing back to baby-hood though, sucking on the pacifier and stealing the boppy when i'm trying to use it. he also tries to climb in the infant car seat. he looks enormous compared to mason, and it's hard to believe that vaughn was ever that small.