Sunday, August 08, 2010

duck wrangler

since mom has an over abundance of duck eggs, we we're going to try to sell some ducks at the sale next week. i was only getting four eggs from seven ducks, so josh and vaughn quarantined a few to see which ones weren't laying. today, however, we got six eggs! i think they know that they might be headed for the chop and have increased production. vaughn was helping to move them around today.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010


mason has been with us for six weeks now, and i'm really surprised how well vaughn has reacted to him. the other day the boys were in my bed, and i made mason a bottle and put it on the bed. then vaughn wanted milk, too, so i went to get that. i heard mason start to cry, and then stop. i ran in expecting a pillow over his face. vaughn had put the bottle in mason's mouth, and told me, 'vaughn help mason, not crying.' vaughn makes sure i know when mason is crying, saying, 'poor mason, not happy.' or 'mason need pas-ire.' he's even figured out how to climb into mason's crib and put the pacifier in mason's mouth, or put more blankets on when, 'put covers on mason.' (that one really scared me!) but vaughn also says, 'aw, mason cute,' and 'i wuv mason.' so i don't think he was trying to smother his brother.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

and she almost trips...

the garden has been growing (mostly the weeds) like crazy. i decided to plant watermelon and pumpkins this year, but i really should have followed the planting guides in regards to spacing. the pumpkins invaded the gourds, sweetcorn, and even through the fence and into the beans. we've already had quite a few that are ready, and many more that are coming. mom and i are going to freeze the puree so we can make pies. tell me which 'punkin' (as vaughn says) looks like two children sleeping under a blanket?