Monday, September 27, 2010

3 months and 3 days of mason

mason is already three months old. he's started to smile a lot more and even laugh when we make silly faces at him. he still clutches at fingers, but has started to include my necklace, shirts, and even the dreaded tiny hairs on the back of my neck. we've had to put away all of his three month clothes since he's been growing like crazy. he still eats about every three hours and drinks six ounces at almost every feeding. he was sleeping through the night, but now he needs a late night/early morning snack during the night. he's also started sitting up, but we still have the boppy or pillows around him for support.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

trip to DC

it's only been three weeks since our trip to washington, dc to see josh's cousin mike and my cousin abby. so i thought i should write a post about it. mamsis watched the boys so josh could pack up the car and we left directly after work on thursday. thank goodness we have the sub, because it was pretty full. both boys were asleep when we left, and didn't wake up until we were almost in ohio. they were both pretty good on the first leg of the trip. we brought the laptop so vaughn could watch movies. he really like watching shrek, and wanted to watch the 'dagon' part over and over again. it also led to him saying this during the gingerbread man part:
"where that cookie? it bad cookie, throw in trashcan."
vaughn and josh went swimming at the hotel, but i don't think vaughn liked it very much. here he is in his new spiderman swimsuit.
we borrowed my father-in-law's tomtom, and that got us to mike's apartment without incident friday afternoon. we pretty much vegged the rest of the day. on saturday we went to the national zoo. there were no giraffes, which was of course what vaughn really wanted to see, and the 'underts' were no where to be found either. we did see an alligator which vaughn loved, and a cheetah. but the best was the panda. the keeper was throwing pears to him, so he was really close to us. vaughn was so excited he kept touching the arm of a girl next to him and pointing out the panda to her. i did get to hear a woman quizzing the keeper all about panda reproduction if anyone wants to learn too, just let me know.

sunday we walked around to see all the monuments. i didn't bring milk for vaughn, and he was pretty cranky for most of the day. every time we asked if he wanted to do something, he would reply, 'no, i don't.' we saw the capital building, where mike worked, the white house, and both the lincoln, and washington monuments. the distance between those monuments is a lot longer than it seems on tv, especially with a crabby two-year-old.

abby was out of town for the weekend, but she was willing to come over sunday night for some pizza. it was nice to see her, i just wish we'd had a longer visit. on the way back home, we surprised aunt carol with a visit, only giving her a half an hour warning. we had to sleep on un-pressed sheets as a result of it, so i suppose i should have given her more more advanced notice ;). she was an excellent hostess, even for the short time we were there, and i think vaughn enjoyed playing with his cousin robert. we'll just have to plan a longer trip to see her.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

tuesday morning giggling

this is the first time that mason has laughed, and we were lucky enough to capture it on film. and yes, he's wearing a baby hoodie.