Thursday, February 24, 2011

a month of firsts

it's hard for me to believe that mason's eight months old today, and that i'm actually getting the post written the same day is even more unbelievable. mason's really started to crawl this month. he's actually managed to get his tummy up off the floor before he moves his arms and legs. this has led to turning over during diaper changes and getting dressed making both tasks difficult without something to put in his hands to distract him. with this new movement, he's also become more of a nuisance to vaughn. he wants to do everything vaughn is doing, much to vaughn's outrage. vaughn will take a toy, book, or whatever mason is chewing on, and say 'mason doesn't chew on that!' because this results in screaming, we've been working on toy trading, and i was glad this evening when vaughn managed an adequate trade with mason.
it seems that mason has finally gotten into more of a sleep routine. he usually takes two naps, and if we're very lucky, one will be at the same time as vaughn's. he will drink his bottle, and then turn on his side, or fuss until i put him on my chest to tell me he's ready for sleep. he is sleeping fairly well through the night, waking up usually once or not at all for a mid-night bottle. we've had to start giving him some ibuprofen since he's finally gotten some teeth. the bottom two came in a few weeks ago, and he's working on the top two now.
now he's working on standing up and trying to walk like the rest of us. often we'll find him in his crib standing at the railing and crying for someone to come and rescue him. he also raises his arms to be picked up, then wiggles around to my hip so he has a better view of the world.