Thursday, August 31, 2006

arm roast sandwiches

once when i went to see my sister Catherine in WV, (actually she was moving home) we stopped to see my great aunt Carol in Jefferson PA. Carol was a most excellent host, buying us chai tea and even allowing us to use the 'good honey' (i think this may be from where my stinginess comes). When she asked us what to have for dinner, i went down to the basement to look in her freezer, and the first thing i came across was an arm roast. so i suggested arm roast sandwiches. we went out for dinner that night.

when my mom would ask us what we wanted for dinner, she would say, 'just tell me what you want and i'll make it, the hardest part is knowing what to make.' that is so true. i hate thinking up things to cook, and my husband isn't much help with that either. although he did make dinner tonight, so i shouldn't complain. it just seems silly to make a big meal for two people. so once again, my mamsis was right.


Catherine said...

mmm... arm roast sandwiches

Lise M. said...

Hey, if you want some inspiration for meals, go to the library and search under make-ahead cookery. Here is a short list from TipCat:

Natalie Dupree also has a good cookbook called Meals from a Well-Stocked Pantry that might be able to get your larder filled with the stuff that meals are made of. I would also recommend Rachel Ray - her books, magazine, and cooking show give good, fast ideas for dinner that use less processed foods - but you have to shop with her ingredients in mind.
I hate thinking of meal ideas! Sometimes a list or a cookbook can get you started. Good luck, Love!

Catherine said...

Hey, where's next post? What is taking so long?