Saturday, September 09, 2006

art fest! (and some gross stories)

today josh and i went to an artfest in Castle Rock. there were about 200 tents with different types of art. there were painting, photos, pottery, jewelry, and wood and metal workers. one booth had handpainted landscapes that were so beautiful i wanted to buy all of them. i have neither the space or income to but any of them, so they did not come home with me. but it was neat to see people from all over the country display their work (and their weirdness).

i have a cold so i spent most of the rest of the day sleeping and being crabby to my husband. i was also doped up on a lot of cold medicine. maybe it's not such a good thing that i know how much sudafed and robitussin a person can take in one day, because then that's how much i take.

i'm suprised that i don't get sick more often than a few colds a year considering how many germs i deal with on a daily basis. some customers at the pharmacy will actually sneeze and cough all over the counter without covering their mouths. there was one child that was sitting in the waiting area with his head against the wall. when his mom told him to stop, i wondered why, until i realized that she was waiting for lice treatment. and one man (after getting a tooth pulled) bled on the counter and just offered a simple "sorry about that" as an apology. rubber gloves and alcohol to the rescue! is is any wonder that i carry purell around in my jacket pocket?

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