Saturday, January 20, 2007

i don't know how to teach, i'm a professor

i am a bad sister. i didn't call rachel on skype today to wish her a happy birthday. i didn't even send her an e-card with some silly message. i had to work this morning and by the time i got home, it was 11 pm in germany. sorry ra, i was thinking about you today, and how much older you are than me, hee hee. i mean how much wiser.

i decided that since my last project was completed, i needed a new project. i finally got some of my pictures developed, so that seemed like a good thing to do. i love to organize! the problem is that i didn't want to scrapbook them, i just wanted to put them in a photo album. and i only have two. both of which were full (or almost completely)
so i thought that i would consolidate the photos and get rid of the ones that didn't come out: too blurry or dark or flash in the middle of it. but then as i looked through the ones from high school, it made me sad, because i couldn't remember some of their names, but i knew i was friends with them at the time. and then i thought about if i was in some of their throw away pictures and they couldn't remember me. but then i looked through some more, and i saw perfectly good pictures of my sister and her friends, ruined by some jerk who's name i didn't know. and my sadness was replaced quickly replaced by annoyance. and guilt because i don't keep in touch with people that i should. but i let myself off the hook a little since my friends don't call or e-mail either, so i am only partly to blame.

i watched the end of futurama today, and i must say that i was a little disappointed. i wondered if the writers knew it was the last show, or else fox just didn't pick it up for another season. i confess that i wanted leela to end up with zap, but that's not how they left it. i'll just imagine my own ending like when i watch gone with the wind.

and speaking of the weather, it's snowing again here. the idiots are in a panic, again, so work was busy today. most people were very patient and understanding and i only had one jerk to deal with during the day which i think is my all time best. my mamsis would say that 'you need to be more sympathetic because people are sick and they are just trying to feel better' but i was very nice today and patient with (most of) the customers.

josh took me out to dinner, and who do you suppose was sitting across from us? that's right, a guy eating alone. josh made fun of me because i feel sorry for people that eat alone (but not sorry enough to invite them over). i guess it's because i'm not brave enough to eat by myself, although this guy looked pretty happy, so i did my best not to think about him. but now i'm thinking that maybe i should have been more friendly even though he probably would have mistaken it for creepiness. i'm not going out again.


Rachel said...

Well, since you FINALLY updated your blog, I guess I will forgive you for not calling yesterday :)

Catherine said...

Don't worry, I don't like to see people eating alone either. (But I don't mind eating alone, as long as I have a book!)

Bridget said...

hey, i menat to send you this link
by email but i accidently sent it to the wrong address, but i think it fits well with the eating alone theme :)

also i wonder who the jerk whose name you don't know was- i'd love to see the pictures don't throw them out!!