Thursday, May 10, 2007

you can't stop the mustache

after we left england, we flew over to shannon where orrin picked us up and took us to clonmel. although we missed the famous St. patrick's well, we went to cahir castle and kilkenny castle. in kilkenny castle there is a long gallery. it reminded me of the portrait gallery in p and p, even though it looked like the inside of a ship. first is was a fortress, and then remodled like a french chalet. we also saw a ginormous toilet that was built for the king and queen to use.

we also went to waterford to see the crystal factory and we went on a walking tour of the city. the parking lot had the title written on the side of a fountain. i've been told that it's a reference to pringles, and hopefully not something bad. since i'm so naive someone let me know. i really like the waterford tour. you could see all the steps in the process from blowing, to marking, to cutting, and finally polished. the workers get paid per piece with up to 15% rejection after blowing, and 2 to 3% after cutting. waterford does not sell imperfect crystal! the next day we flew back to america, and had to say goodbye to my sisters. you can read about my trip back here. but other than that, we had a great vacation.

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