Wednesday, June 13, 2007

i'm like the wind, i'm everywhere

sunday morning of mike's trip we drove to the springs and went into the cave of the winds. joel's wife carrie mentioned that the lantern tour was supposed to be fun, so we went on it. the caves were discovered by kids in the late 1800s and then turned into a tourist spot by two men. unfortunately, their friendship ended in embezzlement, bankruptcy and death. this is a picture of all the business cards that visitors used to leave. the cave operators would know when to change advertising based on where the cards came from. we got to crawl through rock tunnels and see some interesting rock formations: a butter churn, dirty sheep, and a giant's runny nose. i'm trying to get mamsis to go in the caves with me, but in the larger part of the cave.
we also went to a bug and astronaut museum. this was listed as a 'must see'. sadly, the bug museum was just cases of mounted insects and the astronaut museum was space posters and star wars models. so at least we know not to take anyone else there.

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