Tuesday, October 09, 2007

balloon fiesta or bust?

bust. sunday morning we left at 5 am to drive 6 hours to new mexico for the hot air balloon festival. i had done some research that said they were launching some balloons at 7 am, and i knew we weren't going to make that. but we'd be able to walk around, go to the museum and see the balloons up close. (they let you walk through the launching field when the balloons and grounded.)
we got there a little after 11am to find that the parking lots were almost completely empty and people were leaving the park. not only were the entry gates closed, but there was not one balloon in the sky. i couldn't believe that they are closed during lunchtime. you'd think that the vendors would sell the most when people were waiting for launches. or that they'd have balloons in the sky all day to draw more of a crowd. so i was very upset to have driven all that way for nothing, and wasting a perfectly good sunday. needless to say i will not be going back. we should have gone to roswell instead. the aliens are probably available all day.

1 comment:

christian said...

talk about bummer city...i wonder if the hot air balloon industry is really booming, seen a lot of them around here lately. nice to see you've obtained patience for the inadequacies of others...