Sunday, May 25, 2008

announcing baby Vaughn Charles!

my water broke last night about midnight. i decided to try to go back to sleep, but woke up about every half an hour with contractions. at 7 we started timing them, then called the doctor at 8.
unfortunately, since we weren't expecting him so soon, we didn't have any bags packed. so that delayed us getting to the hospital a little, but we arrived around 9:15 and in three hours he was born. he weighed 7lb 6 oz, 19 3/4 inches long and has a full head of hair.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Lucy-- he's beautiful!

Rachel said...

Congratulations Josh and Lucy! And welcome to the family Vaughn.

Lise M. said...

He is so beautiful! And Dad looks like he's in love! Can't wait to get my hands on him (Vaughn, I mean, not Josh). I'm so glad your labor was "easy" and short - for a first baby, that is great! See you soon, new little family...we love you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Lucy and Josh!!! Glad to hear all is well and Vaughn has arrived safe and sound. - Sue

Catherine said...

Congratulations!! Can't wait to see you all!

JTH said...

oh! mama lucy!!! wonderful job my dear:)
gorgeous baby! Uh, what is up with the maddoxes producing boys?
much love to you!

JTH said...

oh! mama lucy!!! wonderful job my dear:)
gorgeous baby! Uh, what is up with the maddoxes producing boys?
much love to you!