Tuesday, May 27, 2008

home again, home again

we came home to our messy apartment last night and tried to get everything situated for the baby. we were just changing him on the beds, and it was working pretty well until 1:30 this morning when he shot pee all over the comforter. that lead to the construction of a changing table out of two plastic totes and two blankets. it looks pretty good, and works even better. it's higher than a counter, so it's easier to change him without bending over. the dog isn't quite sure what to make of him. she's been growling when she hears people outside on the stairs, and is quick to check on him when he cries. we went to the pediatrician this morning; he did not like his exam, but is just as he should be. he's sleeping better too, and even has a snuggle buddy.


Anonymous said...

Welcome home! Do not worry about the house, just sleep when you can!

Lise M. said...

Josh and Vaughn look so cute when they're sleeping - it's when they're awake that there's trouble, huh?
Glad to hear that your "invented" changing table is working. That's what being a new parent is all about - problem solving!
Love you all...