Wednesday, July 30, 2008

2 month update

last week vaughn turned two months old. we took him to the doctor and he got some immunizations (which he hated), but at least he's protected from whooping cough. he's up to 12 lbs, 4 oz and is 22 inches long. he rolls over from tummy to back when he's propped up on his arms, and is smiling a lot more.
i went back to work last week, and i'm getting back into the hang of it. i hate leaving vaughn everyday, i feel like i'm abandoning him. i know that josh takes good care of him while i'm gone, but it still makes me sad.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

fun with pants

pope silas and sister mary ellis

Thursday, July 17, 2008

racing snails

silas turned three yesterday, and bridget gave him, emmet, and vaughn little wooden snails to race. since the babies couldn't really use them, josh and silas made sure that they all worked properly:

silas put in a full day yesterday. he helped bridget weed around the house and pruned some trees with me. he even helped mom and dad rake and bale hay.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

smiling baby

last week mom got vaughn to smile (a real smile) for the first time! although this morning he was smiling the same way without any encouragement, so i'm not sure if it wasn't just a coincidence.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

inna cack

when catherine went to michigan a few weekends ago she introduced eli to a new phrase. he threw his diaper in the space between the bed and wall, and catherine said, 'oh no, you threw it in the crack.' he thought this was hilarious and now tries to get in any small space he can and then yells, 'inna cack'. i saw this first hand at the reunion:

Saturday, July 12, 2008

even more family

last weekend mom, vaughn, and i packed up the blazer and drove to pennsylvania for our first family reunion at my great aunt carol's farm. it was overcast, but the rain didn't start until we picked up catherine in ohio. i stupidly offered to drive the last leg of the trip. it instantly turned dark and the skies opened and pelted us with rain. catherine shared a bed with me and vaughn and she even made his 3 am bottle.
eli came into our room to play with catherine and vaughn the next morning. orrin and trey set up a tent so the little boys could go 'camping'.

mom and silas played lawn dice and drew with sidewalk chalk. my aunts emily and anne helped me with vaughn for most of the weekend, (emily and catherine even woke up at four in the morning to see if i needed any help) though with five little boys, if i wasn't holding vaughn there was another baby to play with. catherine, aunt emily, lindy and i drove to carol's neighbor's to watch the fireworks. it wasn't very windy so the fireworks were going off in the smoke. it was strange, but also interesting because it felt like watching a battle with cannons firing.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

a whole lotta family

sunday after we moved home, we went to logansport so josh's family could meet vaughn. he met his great-grandparents and great uncle tom and aunt rena.
wednesday he met his uncle billy and soon-to-be aunt melanie
on thursday we left for the reunion in PA, but first we went to aunt deidre's to show off vaughn
the reunion post is coming soon!

Monday, July 07, 2008

back home again in indiana

sorry for the lack of posts lately, we've been preoccupied with the move. josh's parents came out and managed to load almost all of our stuff in dad's trailer (the grill was left behind). we stayed in a hotel thursday night and left early on friday. we made it to omaha in ten hours after several stops to feed and change vaughn. he was very good, falling asleep in his car seat and only crying when he really needed something. on saturday we made even better time and in eleven hours we made it to the farm. vaughn met his other grandfather, and we just unpacked the essentials that night.

sunday we semi-unpacked the trailer with josh's family and dad used the forklift to move our clothes and other boxes upstairs. we have our "deluxe apartment" set up upstairs and have continued our house hunting.