Monday, July 07, 2008

back home again in indiana

sorry for the lack of posts lately, we've been preoccupied with the move. josh's parents came out and managed to load almost all of our stuff in dad's trailer (the grill was left behind). we stayed in a hotel thursday night and left early on friday. we made it to omaha in ten hours after several stops to feed and change vaughn. he was very good, falling asleep in his car seat and only crying when he really needed something. on saturday we made even better time and in eleven hours we made it to the farm. vaughn met his other grandfather, and we just unpacked the essentials that night.

sunday we semi-unpacked the trailer with josh's family and dad used the forklift to move our clothes and other boxes upstairs. we have our "deluxe apartment" set up upstairs and have continued our house hunting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Indiana, Lucy! It was awesome to see you and meet Vaughn last weekend!