Saturday, March 07, 2009

Each more identical than the last

after 8 months of floating, i finally have a store! and it's the one i really wanted, too. vaughn has been crawling around like a little spider. and he's been practicing standing without any support and walking with help from me or josh. his 9 month check-up showed that he's in the 90th percentile in height and weight. as a result, we had to finally retire the infant seat and get a bigger one for him. we also had to get him some new clothes last weekend. he's eating just about everything now, even tasting some forbidden peanut butter. and if he gets very hungry, he helps himself:


Lise M. said...

Oh, my goodness! He's getting so big - and I see him almost every day and am still astounded! Put a heavy book on his head and make him slow down this growing thing!

Rachel said...

I agree- I just saw him and he seems even more grown up in this pic!

elizabeth said...

Wow! He looks as big as Robert-- and he's 90th percentile too! Let me know how the peanut butter thing goes-- I've been too scared to try!