Wednesday, August 05, 2009

carrots wait for no one

that's why vaughn eats them now.

this carrot was plucked out of the ground, washed, and eaten. i was surprised how big and straight this grew, especially since mom said they would come out gnarled and stringy. this was our first attempt at carrots, and i consider it a success. we also planted a second batch in sand to see if they would grow any straighter (these carrots are in the black tubs behind vaughn). vaughn ate quite a bit of it though, and i thought it had a pretty good flavor. i'll have more garden reports as more things ripen.


Lise M. said...

Great picture - even the wind-weary sweet corn looks pretty good! Of course, Vaughn makes any picture a great one! I always thought our heavy soil did not yield nice straight carrots - you and Josh proved me wrong.

Catherine said...

So did you take the carrots under your wing to make sure they grew straight?

Anonymous said...

Great picture! What a cute boy!!
And a good looking carrot, too. Chris would be proud,