Sunday, March 28, 2010

sunday suprise (chicks and a post!)

mom and dad got a call this morning from the lafayette post office saying that the chicks were here and they'd be delivered today. luckily, mom had cleaned out the coop last week, and we put out the heat lamps, feeders, and waterers yesterday. however, we didn't have chick feed or bedding, because we'd forgotten to get any the previous week. dad and josh went to town and the chicks came while they were gone.
we did manage to keep vaughn from 'dump'-ing the chicks out of the box, so we could dip all the beaks in water. vaughn liked the chicks, and really liked to squeeze them. he even snuggled with them, (at least they were mostly clean).
vaughn also helped build the raised bed for the strawberries. josh got some old railroad ties from his dad, and we filled it with peatmoss, manure, and freshly tilled dirt. although vaughn was sleeping during the actual planting, he did help prepare the bed and make it smooth with his rake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hurrah! A post! Thanks, Lucy. Vaughn has realy grown since the last one. It is great to see him and to hear of your adventures.
