Friday, July 09, 2010

past his primes

vaughn can count to all the way to twelve, but he always skips five, seven, and eleven. seems like he doesn't like prime numbers. he also can say the alphabet to f, but skips d and e. he still loves trains. often stealing cars and engines from mom's house and sharing his dinner with them. he knows the difference between steam and diesel engines, and most of the names of the thomas the tank trains (percy and james are his favorites).
vaughn's vocab and grammar are getting better, too. he has starting using pronouns. when vaughn pretends to be a baby elephant and mom will grab his the bottom of his shirt, vaughn will say 'let go my tail.' we went blueberry picking the other day, but vaughn did most of his picking out of everyone else's buckets. when dad protested, vaughn replied, 'let me have those berries.' i fear we didn't pick enough since vaughn has to have berries almost every day.

mason is two weeks old now. he's a pretty good baby, only fussing when he's hungry. he even sleeps in four and five hour stretches at night. it's surprising how well he sleeps during the day since vaughn is always talking loudly or trying to kiss him. he can already hold his head up for a little bit, and i've had to clip his fingernails a second time.


Bridget said...

I can't believe Mason is only two weeks old.. It seems ages ago! Of course, i can't seem to remember what happened yesterday. The days are long and exhausting lately. Looks like you are all having fun though!

Catherine said...

You've only cut his nails twice? I think we are cutting Maddox's nails twice a week!

Catherine said...

And I think both 1 and 2 are prime numbers!

lucy said...

yes, i know that 2 and 3 are prime numbers.