Wednesday, November 24, 2010

five month old

it's hard to believe that it's only been five months since mason was born. it usually seems like a lot longer. he's started to roll over from tummy to back, and i expect him to go from back to tummy very soon. he's been on solids for a month now, and he likes everything i've given him except peas and green beans. i can't say i blame him. i like both those vegetables, but the smell of the baby food versions make me want to gag. he's still chewing on everything he can get in his mouth, with fingers and mortimer the moose being his favorite. vaughn never really liked that moose, so i'm glad mason is getting some use out of those giant antlers.
when mason is tired and i'm feeding him a bottle, he'll spit it out and turn his body toward me so he's in his usual sleep position. he seems like he's instantly sleeping and ready for a nap at the drop of a hat. but i think he's like that with all his demands. 'i'm hungry, now! i need a new diaper, now!' so sometimes it's difficult to anticipate his next requirement. he is getting better at sitting up by himself. i think that his bumpo has helped with that. josh likes to fly him around in the air while singing the superman theme. mason loves it so much that he smiles and giggles in anticipation when ever josh starts singing the song. mason loves vaughn, and everything vaughn does, too. sometimes if mason wakes up from a nap and vaughn is still sleeping, he will cry until he wakes vaughn up. he's still sleeping only three to four hours at a strech at night. his naps are still short, sometimes only consisting of a cat nap during a bottle. just when josh it getting ready to pull the bottle out of mason's mouth and put him in the crib, he pops his eyes open and is awake for hours.
even with his apparent lack of sleep his is still a very happy baby. he only cries if he's hungry, needs a new diaper, or sleepy. sometimes his cry is more like a shriek that i find very disturbing, but i suppose that's the intent. he makes that noise when i'm feeding him solids, since he can't wait for me to reload the spoon in between bites.

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