Thursday, January 13, 2011

mason's six month check

mason is now six months old! well, he's a little older since i'm always late on these postings. he's 18 lbs and 28 inches long. i actually expected him to be heavier, since he eats like a hog. he loves his solid foods. peaches still seem to be his favorite, although he scarfs down just about everything except peas and green beans. we've added yogurt to his diet and he loves that, too. josh has been loading him up with food before bed and he's extended mason's sleeping to six hours at a stretch. he's also getting better at napping. he'll usually sleep for an hour twice a day, instead of the usual ten minutes. he hasn't started crawling yet, but he's been trying. he'll lie on the floor and lift his arms and legs up in the air. he's gotten so good at rolling over he does it when we are trying to change his diaper, much to his parents' annoyance.
mason continues to be a very happy baby. he's almost always smiling or laughing. he especially finds vaughn particularly entertaining. he giggles at just about everything vaughn does, and vaughn is more than willing to perform for mason. no teeth yet, which is surprising since he's been chewing like mad on everything for several months now. he can sit up by himself for longer, too. i still make a mini-barricade behind him since he does fall back occasionally. he's interested in just about everything now. he loves to grab and chew on books, toys, fingers, and my necklace. he's also an expert hair puller. not only mine, but vaughn's as well. and its difficult to get his little fingers out of vaughn's hair.

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