Friday, September 15, 2006

tribulations but no trial

two weeks ago i received a subpoena to testify against a woman who was stealing money from her mother in law. since a few of these transactions were at my pharmacy, and the woman implicated me as trying to cover it up, i was served. i really didn't think that i had any info to give, so i called the DA's office and the woman there said i probably wouldn't have to come in, but to be prepared anyway.

their system is set up so you call the night before to see if you are going to have to come in, are on-call or they don't need you anymore. my message said that i had to be there. i was a little annoyed that i would have to get up early, dress nicely, and drive to the courthouse. i was also a litttle excited because i thought it would be very law & order, with a courtroom full of people and a jury.

when i got to the courthouse, i was sent to the victim/witness room. this was where i was told that i was supposed to be 'on-call' and i didn't need to be there. the receptionist said she would contact the prosecutor and she would come see me. a few minutes later she called me on my cell phone (while i was waiting downstairs) and said that the message was wrong and she would go check to see if i could go home. she came to see me about twenty minutes later and told me to go home, they wouldn't need me after all.

i must admit i was a little bummed, because i spent an hour and a half (driving and waiting) and i didn't even get to meet sam waterston


Catherine said...

And no Benjamin Bratt or Jesse L. Martin either? Rats...

Lise M. said...

Sorry to hear it was all for naught - but that's government for you! Your time is worth nothing, yet they control so much of it! Hope it didn't interfere with too much else in your life. Thanks for the inside look at our legal system!

p.s. Do you know what happened in the case?

lucy said...

i don't know what happened in the case, but i'll see if i can find out.