Monday, October 02, 2006

i have ringworm

today, there was a mother and her two young sons, (maybe 3 and 6 years old) that came to the counter for some advice. the older boy had ringwork on his neck and his mother was trying to save a trip to the doctor. as i was telling her what to use, her younger son yelled "i have ringworm!" and his brother retorted "no you don't". i tried not to laugh, but it couldn't be helped and the mom just said, "okay let's go" and thanked me. little kids are so cute.

today we finally went shopping for groceries which means i can have cereal and diet coke again. we usually try to make a list and stick to it, but as usual josh finds something that he simply must have, like chocolate pop-tarts and reese's cups. but when i try to get something that i forgot to put on the list like salami or cheese, he says "is that on the list?" but at least he goes shopping with me and sometimes even by himself (which is my favorite!). he does a good job when there's a list, but there's usually a few junk food items in the pantry when i get home.

Here is a picture from Hawaii, this is in the beginning of Raiders of the lost Ark when Indy is being chased by natives.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Chocolate pop-tarts? Sick!