Thursday, December 21, 2006

how high's the snowfall mama? 2 feet high and rising

i hope trey enjoys the title of this post. my boss told me that we were supposed to get at least 6 inches of snow, so i filled up my gas tank on the way home from work on tuesday. i was looking for a bottle of heet in my car for the gas tank, but that rascal joshua took my last one.
-this is a snow drift that i pushed josh into

i was off of work yesterday, so i went to wal-mart for some heet and a few other things, and already the snow was a few inches thick. i had trouble pushing the cart through all the ruts in the snow.
josh was sent home from work early because the mall was closed. (with only 5 days until christmas!) there were also parts of the interstate and the boulder turnpike that were closed.

-here's me next to my car

i made some mallows and some more hot chocolate mix to tide us over. then josh was bored and since i had forgotten some things from the store, we decided to try to drive to walmart. the roads weren't that bad, and we were just about the only idiots out. but walmart was closed! i wonder whether my co-workers were stuck at the store since it is open 24 hours. this morning it was still a snow emergency, and the mall is closed again, so josh and i are apartment bound. it is supposed to stop snowing soon, so the roads should be plowed this evening. the mail was not delived yesterday, and it is not going to be here today either. i can't imagine how many packages are stuck at the post office. i know at least three for me; on amazon it says "delayed due to external problems." i though nothing was supposed to stop the mail. except holidays and bad weather i guess.

how many cars are in this picture?


Anonymous said...

Nice pics. Hope you enjoyed your grown up snow day. Can't wait to see you in just a few more days!

Lise M. said...

Oooh, it's so pretty - even if it does inhibit getting around. Hope Josh's parents can get there to help you celebrate the 25th. Have fun playing in the snow(Zelda is goofy, but hilarious!)!

Love you and MISS you

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous of your snowfall, can you bring some snow with you from CO?