Friday, June 15, 2007

a day at the park

mom and dad flew in last night, and they arrived a little late, but without too much ado. so as usual, this morning we got up early, packed a lunch, and headed to the mountains. mamsis was reluctant to get out of the car, but we were able to coax her out a few times. mom and i climbed up aluvial fan falls.
we drove further up the mountain and mom spotted some elk on the side of the road. this surprised me since she refused to look out over the edge. when we were coming back down, we stopped to take some pictures of elk, but i was even more excited when i realized that they were long horn sheep. (i've never see any in the park before) there was also a giant herd of elk, bulls, cows, and very cute babies.
after the park, we went to the celestial tea factory. the machines were actually working today, so we donned our hairnets, (some men wore beard nets) and went on the tour. the machines seal the tea in the bags, fold the boxes, close up the inside and the box, wrap them in cellophane, and box them up for shipping. it was a very full and tiring day, so tomorrow we will be sleeping in and maybe doing a little shopping.


Catherine said...

Long horn sheep! I'm so jealous!

Bridget said...

thanks for sharing the pictures- they are beautiful! Silas recognized everyone! And he's ready to coem see some elk, or as he pronounces is "owl-lick"