Thursday, January 31, 2008

packages galore

yesterday i got three packages! one was from my mother-in-law that had a sweatshirt, jerky and baby clothes. and my sister bridget sent me maternity clothes, baby clothes, hand knit booties, work out videos and even a burned CD from Silas! i'm listening to it right now, and am impressed with his computer skills. the 'bideos' must be helping. looking at all the baby clothes got me really excited to dress him up, but thinking about how long i really makes me realize how impatient i am. come on june!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

workout buddy

i started working out (this morning makes five days in a row) since it's supposed to be good for me. today i realized that the baby is kicking me almost the whole time i'm on the treadmill, like he's running with me. at least he doesn't kick me when i'm sleeping.

Monday, January 28, 2008

a morning at the stock show

on friday we went to the national western stock show. we went mostly to see the miniature herefords, but we also saw some stock dogs, yaks, and bison. since it was almost the end of the show, there weren't a lot of animals left in the stock yard. there is a catwalk that you can see down into all the pens, instead of just walking through. the stock dog competition was neat to see. although josh thought it was slow going, and we had to try to figure out where the cattle were supposed to go. i'm sure it would be easier with a larger herd and more dogs. three to one was slow. one of the dogs got stepped on and had to stop.
after we walked through the stockyards for a little while, we accidentally went into the staging area of the barns. we were mostly in the way since we were trying to look at the animals, and everyone else was trying to get their animals ready for the show. so we went to the stadium and found seats. i discovered that i would be a bad stock judge. all the calves i liked best usually placed third or fourth. i guess that's because i liked the stocky, dark ones, and the judge liked the thinner ones with a more feminine gait. it felt more like 4-h since the judge had to explain how he placed each calf. the exhibitors came in all ages and dress: some kids and some adults, some in jeans and button down shirts, one girl in a down vest and long sleeved tee. it was strange i thought. but the calves were cute, probably because they were so small.
after i got bored (and irritated with the judge) we walked around the booths and stalls. most were crafts and food stuffs, but i did pick up some brochures for some head gates and feeders and a crew cab semi truck to share with dad next time i see him.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Spoiler Alert!!!

i was supposed to have an ultrasound this morning at my doctor's office, but they called yesterday to say the machine was broken and wouldn't be fixed for a few days. so i could wait until it was fixed, or go down the street to the hospital to have it done. after six phone calls and a trip to the doctor to get a permission slip, i finally got my ultrasound done. everything looks good, and my due date is still june 5th.
here's the arm:

and the feet:

and the penis:

Sunday, January 13, 2008

giant painting, giant barn

yesterday, i convinced josh to drive me to the sunflower state. i was mostly motivated to check kansas off my states to visit, but i did want to see this giant reproduction of van gogh's sunflowers. the easel is 80 feet high, and that's a tiny me in the lower right corner. we also went to the prairie museum of art and history. the museum itself was a little hodge-podge. there was a giant doll collection (giant as in many dolls, not large dolls), stamps, toys, and glass. it was donated by a local couple. we also got to see a sod house, a one room school house, and the largest barn in kansas. the inside was all wooden stalls, and the upstairs was used for dances.

in more personal news, i felt the baby kick the other day at work, which was exciting. i can feel it about twice a day, if i really think about it. my pants are getting tighter, so i may have to break down and start wearing materniny pants. i got some clothes from mamsis and i need to go shopping for some more. when i was making dinner, i was halving the recipe since it's just the two of us. the recipe called for 1 egg yolk, so i just figured i'd throw the whole thing in. but when i cracked the egg, it was a double yolker! a lame story, i know, but that's pretty much what's going on around here.