Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Spoiler Alert!!!

i was supposed to have an ultrasound this morning at my doctor's office, but they called yesterday to say the machine was broken and wouldn't be fixed for a few days. so i could wait until it was fixed, or go down the street to the hospital to have it done. after six phone calls and a trip to the doctor to get a permission slip, i finally got my ultrasound done. everything looks good, and my due date is still june 5th.
here's the arm:

and the feet:

and the penis:


Bridget said...

it's huge! no wait maybe that's a leg?
Ok congrats- now I can stuff your box of maternity clothes and yoga videos with a few little boy clothes too!

lucy said...

why are you obsessed with weiners? it's hard to tell the actual size of the baby (it's about 12 ounces) or what anything is. she'd point something out to us and we'd say "yes, we see it," when we really couldn't.

JTH said...

congrats gorgeous! what is it with you girls and baby boys. i guess your pops and mamses are excited. they almost have as many boy children as they do daughters! take care mamacita:P