Sunday, January 13, 2008

giant painting, giant barn

yesterday, i convinced josh to drive me to the sunflower state. i was mostly motivated to check kansas off my states to visit, but i did want to see this giant reproduction of van gogh's sunflowers. the easel is 80 feet high, and that's a tiny me in the lower right corner. we also went to the prairie museum of art and history. the museum itself was a little hodge-podge. there was a giant doll collection (giant as in many dolls, not large dolls), stamps, toys, and glass. it was donated by a local couple. we also got to see a sod house, a one room school house, and the largest barn in kansas. the inside was all wooden stalls, and the upstairs was used for dances.

in more personal news, i felt the baby kick the other day at work, which was exciting. i can feel it about twice a day, if i really think about it. my pants are getting tighter, so i may have to break down and start wearing materniny pants. i got some clothes from mamsis and i need to go shopping for some more. when i was making dinner, i was halving the recipe since it's just the two of us. the recipe called for 1 egg yolk, so i just figured i'd throw the whole thing in. but when i cracked the egg, it was a double yolker! a lame story, i know, but that's pretty much what's going on around here.

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