Wednesday, July 30, 2008

2 month update

last week vaughn turned two months old. we took him to the doctor and he got some immunizations (which he hated), but at least he's protected from whooping cough. he's up to 12 lbs, 4 oz and is 22 inches long. he rolls over from tummy to back when he's propped up on his arms, and is smiling a lot more.
i went back to work last week, and i'm getting back into the hang of it. i hate leaving vaughn everyday, i feel like i'm abandoning him. i know that josh takes good care of him while i'm gone, but it still makes me sad.


Bridget said...

that reminds me of that baxter black poem
"he dropped the syringe he was holding, it stuck in the toe of his boot, 'least now he's protected from lepto, he gave her the gringo salute"

Catherine said...

I can't believe how big Vaughn is getting. Can't wait to see him again!