Friday, September 08, 2006

partner in grammar

Some of you may know that i hate bad grammar (and yes i know that i don't capitalize when i should). i hate that people say "where are you at?" that just makes me what to yell, "right before the at" i guess not everyone had my 9th grade english teacher so they wouldn't know not to end their sentences with prepsitions. i suppose i can forgive people for saying "to who" or "from who", but they still should know better.
i thought i was alone in this annoyance, because at work, when the cashiers up front page a manager, then will say "you got a phone call on line one" and i seemed to be the only one bothered by it. however, wednesday night while i was working, i heard the page come over "you have a phone call on line one." i couldn't believe that she said it correctly. when i left for the evening, i asked one of the managers if he had said something to them and he said that it bothered him so much that he finally told them to say have instead of got. hooray for proper english!


Lise M. said...

I'm so glad there are kindred spirits out there. We, the minority who care about good grammar, should never give up the fight!

Catherine said...

I hate when people use bad grammar, and I always want to correct them, but I don't think they would like it.