Saturday, September 30, 2006

recipe for Cipro pudding

today i saw two hilarious directions for medications. the first one was for a child for cipro tablets and it read: please crush 1 tablet and stir into pudding and serve! as though it were part of a recipe. i also saw a hormone vaginal cream used in the nose.

in the patient education section of the receipt, it say what the medication is used for. but at the end, by default it says "or other conditions determined by your doctor" i guess this means that a doctor can prescribe anything for anything. i've seen estrogen prescribed for men, viagra for women, anti-anxiety and depression meds for cats and dogs, and inhaler puffs to be swallowed instead of inhaled.

the other thing that is crazy is the people calling in or stopping by for advice (even though they know we aren't doctors). i like doing most consultations, really because it makes me feel like i'm helping people. i don't like when someone comes in and says "i have a rash, i think it might be an STD, what should i do?" my question, even though i was reluctant to ask, was "where?" as he starts to pull down the front of his pants, i see the rash is just below his belly button, but i was scared for a moment, because he looked like the kind of guy that would have flashed me if he thought it would help. i've also seen two eyes with broken blood vessels in the past week. these are kind of cool looking, but also a little unsettling because they look terribly painful.
most of the recommendations are easy enough and uncomplicated: burns, cuts, bug bites, pink eye, earaches, uti's and rash after rash after rash. i never know what the day will bring!


Lise M. said...

This made me laugh! Is'nt it fun dealing with the "public"? I hope ther will be a post about your chocolate research!

Lise M. said...

GAWD - my spelling (or typing) is AWFUL! So Sorry to all who read my comments!

Catherine said...

What exacttly does a guy who will flash you look like? Just so I know who to avoid.