Thursday, October 26, 2006

good morning snowfall

last night as i left work, i was warned of the impending "blizzard" that was going to hit. i forgot about it this morning until josh opened the blinds and i saw a world of white. sorry this isn't a scenic view of the mountains. i couldn't see them for all the snow.

josh scraped off my car after he scraped off his own, but it was a pretty scary drive to work. i would have thought that in CO, people would know how to drive in snow, and also the snow plows would have had most of the roads cleared by 11 am. i was severely disappointed in both. as though dealing with the idiots weren't bad enough, the traffic light were covered with snow. it was hard to see what color the light was, but fortunately i didn't get into any accidents. work was pretty easy, most people didn't want to go out in the snow. hopefully this snow melts before halloween, or else i will have to eat all the candy myself.


Lise M. said...

OOOH, the snow is beautiful - especially when I don't have to deal with it in any way but as scenery! What do you mean by "didn't get in TOO MANY accidents"? Stay safe and warm out there, sweetie! Did your package arrive yet, or will the snow delay that, too? Hope not!

Catherine said...

You should hear Fiona complain about Chicago drivers during snow events, she is a ragaholic during those times. By the way, I love your comments on my blog!

lucy said...

that was a typo that has been fixed