Thursday, December 21, 2006

how high's the snowfall mama? 2 feet high and rising

i hope trey enjoys the title of this post. my boss told me that we were supposed to get at least 6 inches of snow, so i filled up my gas tank on the way home from work on tuesday. i was looking for a bottle of heet in my car for the gas tank, but that rascal joshua took my last one.
-this is a snow drift that i pushed josh into

i was off of work yesterday, so i went to wal-mart for some heet and a few other things, and already the snow was a few inches thick. i had trouble pushing the cart through all the ruts in the snow.
josh was sent home from work early because the mall was closed. (with only 5 days until christmas!) there were also parts of the interstate and the boulder turnpike that were closed.

-here's me next to my car

i made some mallows and some more hot chocolate mix to tide us over. then josh was bored and since i had forgotten some things from the store, we decided to try to drive to walmart. the roads weren't that bad, and we were just about the only idiots out. but walmart was closed! i wonder whether my co-workers were stuck at the store since it is open 24 hours. this morning it was still a snow emergency, and the mall is closed again, so josh and i are apartment bound. it is supposed to stop snowing soon, so the roads should be plowed this evening. the mail was not delived yesterday, and it is not going to be here today either. i can't imagine how many packages are stuck at the post office. i know at least three for me; on amazon it says "delayed due to external problems." i though nothing was supposed to stop the mail. except holidays and bad weather i guess.

how many cars are in this picture?

Zelda's video

zelda was having fun jumping through the snow drifts this morning

Monday, December 18, 2006

you’ll want to knock it up a notch with a blast from your spice weasel-elzar

on saturday i got a package from my wonderful great aunt carol. it had two loaves of bread in it, and although i appreciated them, all i could think was "no carmels?" but they were hiding in the bottom of the box and i tore into them immediately. yum yum, i love carol's carmels. the bread is delicious too, i had some for breakfast.

yesterday, i made my first turkey dinner. i only had turkey, potatoes, stuffing and cranberry sauce, but it was very tasty. i made a glaze from cuisine at home that uses pomegrante juice and balsamic vinegar. they also use a roasting technique that cooks the legs first and then the breast so all the meat is done at the same time. i didn't have my usual timing problem, everything was hot when we ate it and more importantly, i can have a turkey sandwich! (i just have to go get some miracle whip first)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

nobody destroy kif, unless you have to

i love the smell of pine trees. this year, i decided that i wanted a real tree, instead of that stinky fake one from last year. so josh and i went to a nearby garden center where they advertised "premium christmas trees." but when we got there, we looked and looked and couldn't find any outside, so we went in and searched the whole store, but didn't see them finally we gave up and asked, and they were hiding through a slidy door! (there was no sign that said "trees through here) but (almost) every tree was perfect. we got a beautiful frasier fir and the people baled it and tied to the car.
we decided to go with red and green (the lights are green) i bought lots of cute ornaments on sale last year that i can use this year. you can't seem them very well, but there's stripey ones, gingerbread men, candy canes, and those round mints. the same day we got the tree i got bride ornaments from mamsis, so i used those too. i decorated the apartment and even set up my alpine village. now that my shopping is all done and shipped, i can enjoy christmas and start baking and making candy. josh got me egg nog creams from fannie may, and i've been limiting myself to one per day. but i've also been drinking it and today i made an egg nog latte, and it was pretty close to the ones from starbucks. next i'll try egg nog ice cream and egg nog chai. yum yum!

the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards-checkmate

usually on my three day weekends, i laze about enjoying my time away from work. this past weekend, i actually accomplished something. i only have one more person on my christmas list. and i sent out all my christmas cards.
on sunday i baked like mad. i made a cake for one of the pharmacists that was leaving. and goodies for swipes. hopefully she gets her package before she reads this, otherwise she won't be suprised. but i was very martha stewart and made marshmallows to go with the hot chocolate and cut them into tiny christmas shapes. and i also went to the post office three times in four days (it would have been three times in three days, but they were closed on sunday). but i needed a money order and i had to buy winter stamps and mail packages (on two different days). luckily we never got the same person twice, otherwise they may have thought we liked hanging out there.

Friday, December 01, 2006

pine cone turkey poem part 2

this is the poem that went along with the pine cone turkey (he's holding it in his hand) that he made in elementary school

pine cone turkey part one

this is john refusing to read the poem, sorry it's so dark, there was wood on the walls

Thursday, November 30, 2006

t-day in LA

okay, so it was pasadena, not LA, but i did fly in to LAX. my wonderful aunt emily invited josh and me out, and even sent us the tickets, just so she could enjoy my excellent company for the day. the flight out was pretty uneventful, and uncle dave and tom picked us up in spartacus (their minivan). my cousin john is staying in the gamble house ( for the year so that's where we had dinner.

the house was built with wooden pegs instead of nails, and had wood paneling in several of the rooms.
my favorite part was probably the coy pond

(the front door)

we were allowed to use most of the things in the house. so we ate off (i think) dior china. the silverware was a little tricky, they had pleny, it just didn't all match. luckily no one minded. there was also a view of the rose bowl from the balcony. while we were waiting for the turkey to finish roasting, we went for a walk down to see the stadium up close. when we got back everything was almost ready so josh and i took a tour of the house. we even got to go "behind the ropes"! the house has a self-guided tour brochure that we used as we walked. there was a butler's pantry, servants' quarters (this is where john lived), an attic, and a bedroom that was haunted by a dead relative. there was also a semi-secret passage that the servants used. we went into almost every room. there was a ferret in john's room, so we avoided that.

dinner was excellent and uncle dave was very attentive and getting me turkey and drinks. we even had some after dinner entertainment (see my next two posts). one of the odd things about the day was that people would just wander around outside the house, and if they saw us inside, the would try to doors. one woman actually looked in the windows while we were eating. john said this happens all the time, and they try to buy tickets from him, or ask him when the tours are, even though there is a sign right outside with that information on it.

i wish we could have stayed for more than the day, because i really enjoyed seeing everyone and visiting with them, so i guess we'll have to make another trip next year.

all we have to do is open this steam vent. no good, it's full of steam

i wish i had a steam vent. it snowed tuesday night, the flakes were big and in clumps which promised a lot of snow. this also promises morons that don't know how to drive in snow. by wednesday, the snow was still coming down, but not as hard, so i ventured out to have lunch with one of my co-workers before i had to go to work. by the time i left work, it was a steamy negative one degrees, and me without a hat!

this morning was warmer though, 3 degrees above zero, and only deposited a small amount of ice on all the windows of my car. although the roads were clearer, practically dry and clean, there was some idiot who was driving about 10 miles an hour and in the middle of two lanes. i think he didn't scrape his windshield and the glare from the sun caused him to be blind. but rather than pull over to remedy this problem, he just kept driving. i've found that this is a common problem here, it's no wonder denver has the nation's third worst traffic.

but the high for tomorrow is going to be 31, so i'm getting my swimsuit and flip-flops out of the closet.

and i am going to post about my turkey day, i just want to post a video (john liggett, this means you) and i'm holding off for that.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

a pound of which weighs over 10,000 pounds

on saturday, i watched "futurama" and it had the Zap Branigan episode. it is so hilarious, i watched it twice. the next few blog posts will have quotes from zap, so they probably won't make any sense to anyone who hasn't seen it. i haven't been posting because i have been working and went to california for turkey day. (that post will be done soon)

now that thanksgiving is over, it's time for Christmas!
Josh and i went to target and wal-mart for decorations, but i didn't find anything that great. but i am still getting ready for santa. i am almost done with my shopping, just a few orders to place. then i will have time to help mom finish her shopping. but i have been listening to emmy-lou today, so i am in the christmas mood!

Friday, November 17, 2006

whoo-hoo, my life is great!

the title of this post came from swipes during a skype conversation. catherine and i have a giggle fest everytime we talk. i like talking on skype, because you can see the person you are talking to, (except catherine who doesn't have a webcam) so it's more like being there in person, but it's free, which is even better.

because i talk to my family so much on skype, i don't really think that i need to post stuff on the blog. not much happens here, so the few interesting things get passed on through skype, intstead of here. but i have a birthday party tomorrow, and a trip next week so hopefully i will have interesting things to share soon.

Friday, November 03, 2006

no news to report

before mamsis or trink harass me for my lack of posts, i'm just going to write a little blog post about nothing.
these are the things i did today(this is my first bullet post):
  • slept in
  • made french toast out of french bread and josh made sausages and we ate them on our new yellow plates
  • went to bed bath and beyond for a crock and an olive oil bottle (also bought pretty new table cloth with complementing napkins; perfect for x-mas guests!)
  • went to lunch with some work pals
  • got my hair trimmed by my pal
  • watched 'the lake house' with her
  • ate dinner with josh
  • watched 'march of the penguins'
  • typed this lame post

hopefully my future posts will be more interesting

Monday, October 30, 2006

all hallows eve eve

today i got ready for halloween. this involved painting my fingernails:

and making scotcharoos to take into work in the morning. thank goodness mom sent me some halloween cookie cutters! i also wanted to make roll-out cookies and use the cute sprinkles she sent, but i thought these would be easier (and they were).

tomorrow, i am going to wear my halloween socks to work and watch scary movies on tv and eat all the halloween candy that i got from mamsis.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

candy corn soda

i finally got my halloween package last friday. hooray!
it was jam-packed with goodies, some more appetizing than others. there were oreos and pay-day mix, and sour worms (i only got one, josh ate all the rest) and peeps. there was also these severed gummy body parts and brains. mamsis also put in candy-corn flavored cola. i put one in the fridge and tonight i drank it. it wasn't as nasty as i thought, and taste suprisingly like candy corn-but i think it might put me in a diabetic coma.

Death to DST

i'm going to get on my soapbox for this post since today is the end of dst. i hate daylight savings time. its not only that i don't want the hassle of changing all the clocks in my house and my car. i don't think that you should be able to lose and gain time in the blink of an eye. other than changing time zones when crossing state lines, time should be constant. that's why it's always on the x axis. i can't believe that indiana is now on DST; mitch daniels, you will never escape my place of hate.

on a more positive note, when i was driving to work this morning, the woman that was being interviewed was part of an organization that was trying to educate the public on why antibiotics shouldn't be used for colds and the flu. i thought that this was a good use of time and money and the posters that they give to doctors offices really put superinfections in perspective. the guy interviewing her asked her where she got her funding, and then said, "but you don't get tax dollars, because that's what everyone asks." and he said it in a way implying that she shouldn't get any. i guess that just means that his tax dollars will go toward paying thousands of dollars for expensive hospital treatment for the poor. i'd rather mine went toward education, but i don't get a choice in the matter.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

good morning snowfall

last night as i left work, i was warned of the impending "blizzard" that was going to hit. i forgot about it this morning until josh opened the blinds and i saw a world of white. sorry this isn't a scenic view of the mountains. i couldn't see them for all the snow.

josh scraped off my car after he scraped off his own, but it was a pretty scary drive to work. i would have thought that in CO, people would know how to drive in snow, and also the snow plows would have had most of the roads cleared by 11 am. i was severely disappointed in both. as though dealing with the idiots weren't bad enough, the traffic light were covered with snow. it was hard to see what color the light was, but fortunately i didn't get into any accidents. work was pretty easy, most people didn't want to go out in the snow. hopefully this snow melts before halloween, or else i will have to eat all the candy myself.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

sticky situation

one of the things on my list of things to do while i was home was to harvest honey. my dad put in the bee escapes a few weeks ago, so all we had to do was pull off the top supers since the bees were trapped in the bottom (this cut down on the stings 100%).

the extraction went fairly slowly because the extractor only holds four frames at a time, and i think we had about 100 to do. it took us about 2 days (we didn't work on it the entire time) to extract all the honey, and then we started straining. this takes a really long time because it has to go through a 600, 400, and 200 micron filter and they clog up fairly quickly and have to be cleaned often. this leads to honey all over everything. the counter, the floor, and the workers were all coated in sticky sweetness. i even got some in my hair.

i think dad said he got about 10 gallons in the end, and i was able to bring back some jars to my co-workers. mom even got some wax to use in candles or soap or maybe just to carry around and smell the waxy scent. i think that she will send some to anyone that wants it, just remember to send back your empty jars.

grilled cheese and chocolate

i have the best husband. i was being very bratty this morning because the apartment is a mess. we have both been too tired from our journey to clean anything up or put away anything, and i of course took this out on him.
but i asked him to bring me home some caramels from work, and he said he would as long as i was nice when i got home.
i called when i was on my way, and when i got home he had a grilled cheese sandwich waiting for me. he really does make the best, the cheese is nice and melty and the bread is just slightly toasted.
and for dessert, he didn't just bring home a few caramels, but a whole box of my favorite chocolates. i wonder how long this box will last me. probably not long.

Friday, October 20, 2006

a tale of two weddings

as posted just a few moments ago i journeyed home to see my dear friend courtney get married. she was getting married on the same day as my brother-in-law got married. this made it convinient because we only had to make one trip home, but josh and i had to go our separate ways because they were only half an hour apart.
after the 18 hour car trip i had enough time to beautify myself and take swipes with me to the rehearsal. this was pretty uneventful, just like all the other rehearsal that i've done. we had a very nice meal at the trails where courtney showered everyone with prezzies. i got flip-flops and lip gloss, a little massager and beautiful earrings (i was told by courtney's neice that i should wear these to the wedding the next day).

courtney told us to be at the church at noon for pictures. to me this meant be ready and here at noon. catherine and i had to go to the mall for some last minute things, so we were running a little late. i thought it would be terrible to be both late and wearing jeans, so catherine helped me into my dress while i drove down the highway. we arrived at 12:10 and went into the church to discover- no one else was ready! i couldn't believe it. oh well, i guess that just meant i was able to help with other things.

courtney's dress was beautiful and she looked lovely in it. i'll post some pictures when i get my film from catherine. the bridal party was in light brown and we carried orange roses (they smelled heavenly). other than me "booking it" down the aisle and some of the flower girls losing a few buds the ceremony didn't have any mishaps. i did a good job fluffing courtney's train, although i wasn't sure if i should do it while we were supposed to be praying, hopefully it still looks good in the pics.

we got to drive around in a hummer limo before the reception. courtney had pretty branch and leaf candle holders for center pieces and leaf cookie cutter for favors. she managed to have a very simple yet elegant affair and look fabulous during the whole thing.

josh will have to write about his brother's wedding, including his musical toast.

incredible journey

i went home to indiana last week for my friend courtney's wedding. since josh and i had a few things to take home and several wedding gifts to bring back we decided to drive home. we wanted to bring home some yummy chocolate for everyone. so josh and i went to godiva to pick some things out. the girl that helped us asked me a silly question though.
"are these chocolates for something special?"
"yes, eating"

we packed everything that we wanted to take with us, table and chairs, CPU, dog stuff, bridesmaid dress, and chocolates and still managed room for a dog and a cooler. josh picked me up from work to save time and we were on our way. shortly after we were on 76 the stinks began. i think the first one was hogs, then sulfur, then some sort of reek that i couldn't identify. it was very pungent, and stung my nostrils. the smells continued into most of nebraska, and i of course made a point of covering my nose with the blanket and exclaiming "what is that smell?"

josh and i traded off driving and luckily for me zelda (our dog) only really bothered josh when he was trying to sleep, and didn't bother me too much. we stopped at a gas station in lincoln, NE where some creepy guy was hitting on me. luckily josh came in to rescue me. (unfortunately for me josh stopped at this same gas station on the way back and the same guy was working! i decided that i didn't have to pee until the next stop)
mom called me on my phone just as the sun was coming up to say that i might have to pick up catherine in iowa city because her car was still broken. so we made a detour and picked up catherine and dropped off the table and chairs (i broke her table so it would match her car).
poor swipes had to endure five hours of zelda crawling all over her. i suppose it didn't help that zelda had taken off the lid of a cup of coffee and was taking sips of it as she wanted.
it was fun to have a road trip with her, including a few rounds of the animal guessing game. josh i fear did not have fun, too much giggling i think.

the return journey was a little less fun. josh was very sleepy and even though i let him sleep for four hours, after two hours of josh driving, i was awoken by a poke and "can you drive? i'm sleepy." we also drove through rain and snow before arriving back in denver. i also resolved not to go into gas stations late a night without josh. i went into one where three guys were standing around, and the guy at the counter looked at my credit card (it has a fox on it), and said "do you have a fox on there because you are a fox? the picture certainly fits you" UGH!!!
i'm just glad that i didn't get kidnapped, josh didn't fall asleep at the wheel, and i didn't kill the dog for trying to snuggle with me.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

i hate olivia newton-john

okay, i don't really hate her, i just hate her new album "grace and gratitude" it is sold exclusively at my pharmacy chain, and since she had breast cancer, she is donating 10% of the profits to research. it wouldn't be so bad if i just has to hear the promo every hour, but then they play the song right after it. and the song isn't even that good! it seems like i have to hear that song about 15 times a day, and it wouldn't be that bad if i had good tunes to listen to on either side of it, but usually it is other stinky songs like "solitaire." some days the music is good, but since olivia started, it's gotten decidely worse.

Monday, October 02, 2006

i have ringworm

today, there was a mother and her two young sons, (maybe 3 and 6 years old) that came to the counter for some advice. the older boy had ringwork on his neck and his mother was trying to save a trip to the doctor. as i was telling her what to use, her younger son yelled "i have ringworm!" and his brother retorted "no you don't". i tried not to laugh, but it couldn't be helped and the mom just said, "okay let's go" and thanked me. little kids are so cute.

today we finally went shopping for groceries which means i can have cereal and diet coke again. we usually try to make a list and stick to it, but as usual josh finds something that he simply must have, like chocolate pop-tarts and reese's cups. but when i try to get something that i forgot to put on the list like salami or cheese, he says "is that on the list?" but at least he goes shopping with me and sometimes even by himself (which is my favorite!). he does a good job when there's a list, but there's usually a few junk food items in the pantry when i get home.

Here is a picture from Hawaii, this is in the beginning of Raiders of the lost Ark when Indy is being chased by natives.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

recipe for Cipro pudding

today i saw two hilarious directions for medications. the first one was for a child for cipro tablets and it read: please crush 1 tablet and stir into pudding and serve! as though it were part of a recipe. i also saw a hormone vaginal cream used in the nose.

in the patient education section of the receipt, it say what the medication is used for. but at the end, by default it says "or other conditions determined by your doctor" i guess this means that a doctor can prescribe anything for anything. i've seen estrogen prescribed for men, viagra for women, anti-anxiety and depression meds for cats and dogs, and inhaler puffs to be swallowed instead of inhaled.

the other thing that is crazy is the people calling in or stopping by for advice (even though they know we aren't doctors). i like doing most consultations, really because it makes me feel like i'm helping people. i don't like when someone comes in and says "i have a rash, i think it might be an STD, what should i do?" my question, even though i was reluctant to ask, was "where?" as he starts to pull down the front of his pants, i see the rash is just below his belly button, but i was scared for a moment, because he looked like the kind of guy that would have flashed me if he thought it would help. i've also seen two eyes with broken blood vessels in the past week. these are kind of cool looking, but also a little unsettling because they look terribly painful.
most of the recommendations are easy enough and uncomplicated: burns, cuts, bug bites, pink eye, earaches, uti's and rash after rash after rash. i never know what the day will bring!

trip to the mountains

yesterday Josh and I went to the rocky mountain national park to get pin for my map of the world. we took our dog with us and she was mostly behaved, she even volunteered to drive for a while.
there was a lot of congestion on the roads so i was quite crabby toward the end of the trip. in the park, there is a one-way dirt road that leads to the visitor center. this was closed. how rude. so we took the other way up, and the visitor center was closed too! i was so pissed because the pin was the whole reason for the trip!

after leaving the park we went to the celestial seasonings plant to get another tea cup. Josh's favorite tea cup is from there. so he keeps saying to me maybe we should get another one. i'm not sure if he wanted one so i could have one too, or so he could use one while the other was dirty. he says it's the former, i disagree. but we got one that was a different design, so the whole trip wasn't wasted. also we got to see some elk close up and finally some more pictures.

Friday, September 22, 2006

truffle pig

my mom once lost one of her diamond earrings, and my sister catherine miraculously found it. when she told me this i compared her to a truffle pig, but she could find diamonds instead. she didn't like that analogy, instead thinking that i was calling her a pig, not a finder of expensive things.

my husband works in a chocolate shop, and so far he's only brought me a few pieces of candy. last night though he brought me a box of truffles! 18 scrumptous goo-filled chocolates all for me! i only had one last night (well i split it with josh) because i am trying to pace myself so i don't turn into a truffle pig. josh thought this would be a good sample so we could avoid the not so good ones when we come home in October. there were two of every flavor except there was only one strawberry and one coffee! these will probably turn out to be the best of course. so i will save them for last. i'll be taking orders for christmas soon!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

a trip to the airport with tickets but no luggage

i was trying to fly back to indiana on christmas so i could see my family. when i changed stores, my time off changed. so i can't come home for christmas, but i can spend four days around new year's without using vacation. yeah for my new schedule!
but that means i have to change my flight, hello $100 (per person) fine. but that's okay, i don't mind, it's worth it to see my mamsis (mom).

log onto expedia to change flights...
oh no, you have paper tickets, (from two different airlines) you have to call to make the change
(i hate talking to people on the phone)
expedia: you have to pay $100 to change and can use your american miles until June
(i don't want to fly american, i want to fly frontier both ways in January.)
expedia: here are the numbers for frontier and american, they can help you.
this is when i start getting crabby and make my husband call american to cancel that part of the flight.
so he cancels that leg of the journey and i call frontier
frontier: you can apply this leg of the journey to the january trip but it will be easiest to go to the airport for that (easier for whom?)

so we go to the airport this morning. and wait in line
us:we need to change our flights
at the frontier counter: but this is with american
we explain what we are trying to do
frontier: i'll have to call the help desk, (minutes on the phone) you need to go over to american, they can make the change.

we stand in line at american
american: what are you trying to do?
we explain.
they she said "why did you have to come to my counter?"
but she was very nice and accommodating, even looking for cheaper flights for us and telling us how nice and patient we were compared to the jerks she usually deals with. i told her what i did and she laughed.

end result: i'm coming home for four days in December!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

a post for Rachel

my sister rachel says there are no pictures of me on this post, and while that was true, now there will be one, at least. this was taken in Hawaii, during our horseback ride. we went swimming in the cold water just after this was taken.

disease mascots

today, as i was counting Concerta (they look like tiny Vienna sausages) on a tray that had a little Protonix monster/lizard sleeping on it, i was wondering why diseases and disorders now have mascots.
prevacid has a walking stomach, actos has dancing organs, Lamisil has that horrible dermatophyte, and Mucinex has a blob of phlegm in suspenders. are these things supposed to be cute? or is it easier to take pills if you know you are fighting a cartoon? i think they are quite creepy, i'd rather think of nail fungus like an actual fungus, not something with claws that can lift up a toenail like it's hinged. and if this continues, where will it end? will there be Mr. Immune Cell taking a hammer and chisel to a knee joint? it wouldn't be so bad i suppose if i only saw this kind of thing on tv, but these images are printed on the back of the information panels on the scripts. i'll just have to stop filling prescriptions or find the person responsible and kill them.

Friday, September 15, 2006

tribulations but no trial

two weeks ago i received a subpoena to testify against a woman who was stealing money from her mother in law. since a few of these transactions were at my pharmacy, and the woman implicated me as trying to cover it up, i was served. i really didn't think that i had any info to give, so i called the DA's office and the woman there said i probably wouldn't have to come in, but to be prepared anyway.

their system is set up so you call the night before to see if you are going to have to come in, are on-call or they don't need you anymore. my message said that i had to be there. i was a little annoyed that i would have to get up early, dress nicely, and drive to the courthouse. i was also a litttle excited because i thought it would be very law & order, with a courtroom full of people and a jury.

when i got to the courthouse, i was sent to the victim/witness room. this was where i was told that i was supposed to be 'on-call' and i didn't need to be there. the receptionist said she would contact the prosecutor and she would come see me. a few minutes later she called me on my cell phone (while i was waiting downstairs) and said that the message was wrong and she would go check to see if i could go home. she came to see me about twenty minutes later and told me to go home, they wouldn't need me after all.

i must admit i was a little bummed, because i spent an hour and a half (driving and waiting) and i didn't even get to meet sam waterston

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

new store, new post

today i started working at my new location. it was a good morning, but a little bit more hectic than my old store. i suppose the biggest thing is that it is jus plain different. there is a robot, and drugs are in different places. the downside is that is is a little crazy, but there are a lot more techs there so the load is lighter. i guess we shall see what develops.

i do get a three day weekend every other week, so when i go home for a quick weekend trip, it will at least be a little longer. i hope everyone enjoyed the zelda post. i may have to revoke josh's blog privileges after that. but at least (after rachel's comment) there are pics of more than baked goods on the blog.
well, it's time to skype mamsis(my mom) more riveting stories later

Saturday, September 09, 2006

art fest! (and some gross stories)

today josh and i went to an artfest in Castle Rock. there were about 200 tents with different types of art. there were painting, photos, pottery, jewelry, and wood and metal workers. one booth had handpainted landscapes that were so beautiful i wanted to buy all of them. i have neither the space or income to but any of them, so they did not come home with me. but it was neat to see people from all over the country display their work (and their weirdness).

i have a cold so i spent most of the rest of the day sleeping and being crabby to my husband. i was also doped up on a lot of cold medicine. maybe it's not such a good thing that i know how much sudafed and robitussin a person can take in one day, because then that's how much i take.

i'm suprised that i don't get sick more often than a few colds a year considering how many germs i deal with on a daily basis. some customers at the pharmacy will actually sneeze and cough all over the counter without covering their mouths. there was one child that was sitting in the waiting area with his head against the wall. when his mom told him to stop, i wondered why, until i realized that she was waiting for lice treatment. and one man (after getting a tooth pulled) bled on the counter and just offered a simple "sorry about that" as an apology. rubber gloves and alcohol to the rescue! is is any wonder that i carry purell around in my jacket pocket?

Friday, September 08, 2006

partner in grammar

Some of you may know that i hate bad grammar (and yes i know that i don't capitalize when i should). i hate that people say "where are you at?" that just makes me what to yell, "right before the at" i guess not everyone had my 9th grade english teacher so they wouldn't know not to end their sentences with prepsitions. i suppose i can forgive people for saying "to who" or "from who", but they still should know better.
i thought i was alone in this annoyance, because at work, when the cashiers up front page a manager, then will say "you got a phone call on line one" and i seemed to be the only one bothered by it. however, wednesday night while i was working, i heard the page come over "you have a phone call on line one." i couldn't believe that she said it correctly. when i left for the evening, i asked one of the managers if he had said something to them and he said that it bothered him so much that he finally told them to say have instead of got. hooray for proper english!

Thursday, August 31, 2006

arm roast sandwiches

once when i went to see my sister Catherine in WV, (actually she was moving home) we stopped to see my great aunt Carol in Jefferson PA. Carol was a most excellent host, buying us chai tea and even allowing us to use the 'good honey' (i think this may be from where my stinginess comes). When she asked us what to have for dinner, i went down to the basement to look in her freezer, and the first thing i came across was an arm roast. so i suggested arm roast sandwiches. we went out for dinner that night.

when my mom would ask us what we wanted for dinner, she would say, 'just tell me what you want and i'll make it, the hardest part is knowing what to make.' that is so true. i hate thinking up things to cook, and my husband isn't much help with that either. although he did make dinner tonight, so i shouldn't complain. it just seems silly to make a big meal for two people. so once again, my mamsis was right.